LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 244 - Guest Braag Son of Balin

July 31, 2014


Cari and Layanor are joined by Braag Son of Balin. We talk about many things that may or may not involve LOTRO. Including TMNT, War Goats in the latest Hobbit Traialer, and Legendary Items.

Audio Version:


What We Did in Game

Layanor (L’Homme sans Pantalon!)

  • Starting my Turbine Point farming research


  • Gaming History
  • LOTRO History
  • Talk about your podcast


  • Questing in Gondor
  • Level 97



SHIELD Runs Dates are Updated to Finish Faster in the Year



Update 14.1 Patch Notes


Fangorn changes

  • Cosmetic Pet Huorns are now available for barter for 375 Fangorn Leaves each.
  • Rare Gear recipes now cost 70 leaves down from 100
  • Incomparable Gear recipes now cost 210 leaves down from 400


  • There are two versions of the Sturdy Steel Key, one that is bound to the character and one that is not. They are two different items and cannot be stacked together. For the key that is bound to the character, the name and description for the key has been updated so that players can now see the two keys are different items.
  • Soon has arrived.



  • The cost of all rewards and skirmish traits have been lowered between 20%-50%. Generally. The highest level rewards and traits have seen the greatest cost reduction


  • Prices for Red Chicken, Dorking Chicken, Scrapper Chicken, Black Chicken, and Blue Chicken cosmetic pets, housing items, and cosmetic items have been changed. The rare, colour-specific tokens alone can be used to barter for a corresponding item. Additionally, these items are also available for barter for a significant amount of the basic Hobnanigans Token. This should make these rewards easier to obtain.


Phone Support Closed August 8




Monday’s at 9PST 12 EST.

Will be on twitch replay.


Inn of the Forsaken



Bards Beers and Longbeards Does Battle of Five Armies





August 15th-17th!


Letter from Kevin 5:

How are you enjoying Gondor? I really must hand it to the designers. Dol Amroth is insanely beautiful.

Enough with the chit-chat. I want to lay upon you my worst nightmare:

The Deeping Wall was busy with activity, as 12 of Windfola’s finest warriors defended against hordes of Saruman’s forces. The Eastern tower had already been saved with perfection, but now the culvert below was under attack! Wave after wave of orcs poured through the opening, but each wave was repelled. Even two elite trolls came through, but were quickly felled by our soldiers. 17 rocks were placed by the workers, only 1 to go, and another task completed perfectly! What’s this? Too many rocks placed?? Oh, the humanity! A failure in our midst!

To say it plainly, I would’ve ran a full Platinum run of the Deeping Wall raid, but Securing the Culvert bugged out on us. 19/18 rocks were placed, which caused the sidequest to never complete. The other two were platinum completions, and we lost no soldiers at all. I’d never been so upset with this game as I was that moment.

On another note, with the news that we will be able to level up our legendary items with us now, I’ve heard that many people feel that the current LI system is “broken”. Since I have never played any other MMO other than LOTRO, or any game even similar to it, how exactly is it broken? Any thoughts? I think it’s fine, but then again, I have no clue if it’s good, bad, or any reference to judge it against.

Do you have an outfit you choose to wear, or do you just let whatever you have equipped be your look? I have a burglar that wears the Isengard prisoner rags, because he looks so grungy and hopeless in it, which is the look I’m going for as a burg, but my other characters just wear whatever they find.


Keep up the great podcast!


Letter From Camgilnel:

Just wanted to say that your podcast makes the 14 hour flight from Atlanta to Seoul gives me something to look forward to in game.

So much talk about Brandy convinced me to transfer from Silverlode about a year ago.

Facebook Message from T James


  • I am a big LOTRO fan, having played since release. But it is only recently that I have learned of the LOTRO Reporter and the MMO Reporter Network. I’ve been power listening to all the podcasts since No. 1 and I have hit a snag. I am unable to locate episodes 96 through almost 140ish … there are no links etc available for the audio download. Perhaps you can point me in the right direction as I would like to continue to listen to the adventures of Chris, Bill and the rest of the ‘Reporter family.


Contact Information


Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork




Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor

Braag twitter: @BraagSonofBalin

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