LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 230 - 3-Mans and Epic Books

April 26, 2014

Cari and Layanor talk about stuff, and things like Update 13 and how she gets lost in game.

Audio Version:

What We Did in Game



  •  Helped my girl rank a little bit on her warg

  • I am now 19.21%

  • Farming OD diseases wing

  • Way of the smiths

  • Got my girl and I two first agers each.


  • Finished the Epic Story on Ali of Landroval. I have all the books done on her.

  • Ran some 3-Mans with Rorrg.

  • Did a little Anniversary Festival Stuff


The 2014 Players Council invites have gone out.



Downtime April 23, 2014


Scheduled Maintenance: Wednesday, April 23 from 5:00AM to 10:00AM Eastern (-4 GMT)

The LOTRO Game Servers and http://myaccount.turbine.com and all related sites will be offline for maintenance on Wednesday, April 23 from 5:00AM to 10:00AM Eastern (-4 GMT). Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!


Hobbits to Isengard Notes


How do you feel about server merges

They don’t talk about them, haven’t talked about them, aren’t planning on them, don’t believe they are needed.


Will Fashion Maven ever return

They are looking at other ways of awarding the title so that someone doesn’t have to be lucky enough to be seen and get rewarded that way. The hope is to make it a rewardable title through a code, and make it a prize through various screen-shot contests, or some means other than being lucky enough to be seen by a GM.


Sapience takes everyone on a tour of the tag and freeze-tag fields in Northern Bree by the festival grounds. It’s a lot of fun. There are a couple of locations where, if you get enough people into the area it will trigger the start of a game of tag, or of freeze tag. You should check it out. Tag is normal tag. In freeze-tag anyone who is touched by the person who is “it†is frozen and has to be thawed by another player. Tag is at 25.4S, 50.9W in Bree-land, and freeze-tag is at 26.2S, 49.6W in Bree-land.


Question about being able to obtain “extinct†titles and rewards such as the ones from the old Eregion unlock event

He actually spent a great deal of time yesterday working on this very thing. He sat down with Rowan the other day on this, and he has to have a conversation with HoarseDev to get it all set up, but they have been going through the back catalog of things players can’t get anymore, or that were only offered for a very limited time, back around the Angmar and Moria days especially. Titles, cloaks, they even found a couple of mounts and a few other things that were offered one time, or offered in an obscure place and not everybody got.

They’ve been looking at ways of going back and finding ways to create codes for those, and to do giveaways and contests for them. Maybe even make some of the stuff part of Extra Life this year. So definitely yes, that conversation is ongoing and there is an active plan being worked on. He thinks he came up with something like 35 different items already. Some of them shouldn’t be too difficult to convert, some of them will be kind of difficult to convert, but they are working on it.


Question about the quieting of the ents quest bestowal problems

The quests might not be intended to work the way people expect them to work, with the delays and randomness and everything, but he also knows that the dev who wrote them – jwbarry, and QA are looking into some of the reports they’ve been seeing since it went live. But any changes that get made as a result of their investigation are likely not going to come until 13.1 which is still a ways out. They are aware that there may be some confusion with the way quests bestow, which aren’t necessarily bugs. Which doesn’t mean that’s not something they might take a look at and make some adjustments on. But not until 13.1.


What about new hobbies

There are currently no plans for new hobbies, sorry.


A letter From Executive Producer Aaron Campbell – April 2014 – Cari’s Thoughts




Paths of the Dead and Dol Amroth:

Dead Marshes: Between updates, we’ll take a small detour to check on wayward Hobbits…


Pelargir: Our third update of the year will take you to the great port of Pelargir on the delta of Anduin.


Of Bears and Bees – What? Wait…What?

Beornings are noted in The Lord of the Rings trilogy as a race of Man, with close origins to the Rohirrim and the Men of Dale. Most Men are not shape-changers, so we envision the Beorning as a light armor casting class with a focus on control of the battlefield. When a Beorning gathers sufficient rage, they may transform into a mighty bear.


Housing – Sad Face


Kinships: The next addition to loot options is a system of crafting tied to your Kinship house, which will encourage more social play. Our goal is to create Kinship deeds that you can complete together.


Festivals: Hobnanigans (better known as Chicken Hockey) is a special event for the Bree-fields. You can expect new weekend boosts and events as we go forward.


Osgiliath: The middle of 2015 brings us deeper in Gondor, and to lands directly contested by Sauron’s armies.


Pelennor Fields and Minas Tirith: The end of 2015 takes us to one of the defining moments of the War of the Ring, the battle before the walls of Minas Tirith.


New to the Store


3rd age Item Trove 195

Extra Inventory 325 for 5 slots – Account wide


Akamai Netsession


With today’s release of Update 13: The Breaking of Isengard, we have introduced a replacement for our Pando-enabled client and downloader. We now use a non-peer-to-peer version of the Akamai NetSession client for the LOTRO launcher, and wanted to update you on how we plan to utilize this service in the future.


The Akamai NetSession client allows us to quickly and reliably deliver fresh LOTRO client installations to you, and assist in the repair of missing or corrupted files in current game installations. The client utilizes Akamai’s large network of edge servers to deliver this content to you from a location which is deemed geographically closest to you, and ensures that we are able to efficiently and effectively get you what you need to play LOTRO.


Although some versions of the Akamai NetSession client used by other software providers utilize Peer-to-Peer technology, we have decided not to use P2P for LOTRO. What this means is that Akamai NetSession will NOT use peer-to-peer when delivering LOTRO-related content.


Once you install the LOTRO client, or patch your game to Update 13, it will be possible to uninstall Akamai NetSession from your computer, and NetSession will not reinstall unless it is necessary to deliver a deleted file or a fresh installation. Typical game updates will not require the use of Akamai NetSession.


Did You Know


The colors on the raid are which fellowship you are in.



Monday’s at 9PST 12 EST.

Will be on youtube and twitch replay.

Warg Pens L C R






Windy Acres Ranch Spring Racing Carnival


This year’s Spring Racing Carnival will be held on Saturday, May 17th on the Landroval server. Events begin at 10:00am EDT (servertime) and continue until 10pm. There are numerous races, contests, and shows for you to attend. Don’t miss a single chance to have fun and win prizes with this complete guide to the SRC.

Comment from Bumbleflower – Brandywine/Landroval

Hullo, You don’t know me, but i have to tell you. Thank you. Thank you for your help on your podcast.

Being the only warden in my kinship, it’s difficult to get help on my class. Your ‘Did you knows’ & your insight in being a warden is greatly helpful.

Thank you. I wanted to tell you this for a long time but I thought you were too busy or i was too small to thank you personally. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Letter from Kevin Bergman

Hey guys,

After that atrociously long letter I recently sent, I will type this one in a much quicker, easier to read bullet point format:

  • ·        Have not been able to group heal HD soldiers in the big battles. Plus, must be in a healing/mixed stance as a mini. Not in the war speech stance (or whatever it’s called now)

  • ·        To elaborate on what minstrels can heal: they can heal anything that can take damage! The horses in Helms Dike, catapults, etc. And if you are building a catapult or ballista from scratch, you can pop it with heals to speed up the building process. HD engineer skills can be used at the same time as mini heals without interrupting each other.

  • ·        How cool would it be if a creep could spend Commendations to be “released†into the main world? Maybe it could be a “take the creep to Isengard†sort of deal, and it has a set amount of time to get from the Moors to Isengard without dying along the way. The quicker, the more rewards it gets. And it would come with all kinds of buffs/debuffs (speed buff if running at night, debuff if doing it in daylight?) Perhaps as the creep crosses a regional boundary, a server-wide message goes out, saying a creep is loose in Middle earth! I would prowl the borders waiting to find a creep if that was the case.

  • ·        How can Middle Earth support such a heavy load of predatorial beasts? (bears, wolves, wargs). There needs to be at least 3 times the amount of prey available! (read in Ben Stiller’s voice from Zoolander!)

  • ·        Will the new cosmetic pet huorns be house trained? I don’t want to move my couch and find a bunch of fallen leaves behind there.

Tweet from Crell

@lotroreporter I’ve decided you should lobby for turbine to make ‘Intrepid Reporter’ a title that can be acquired in games or on the forums!

Letter from Stuart:

Hi Cari & Layanor

Show as always makes a great listen – though no show this week :(

Thought i would write a follow up email, wrote to you about a month ago asking if Sir “Ettens” Layanor has had the opportunity to explore whether lotro explorer would / could do a round the table discussion on Freep classes in ettens?

I am sure you have plenty on your radar – thanks for reading




Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork




Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor

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