LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 295 – Update 17 Is Live We Arrived at Minas Tirith

October 31, 2015

Cari and Layanor talk about Update 17, and festival outfits. Cari still cannot pronounce things.
Audio Version:

What We Did in Game
Layanor –
Cari Mac –
Festival That dress is amazing!!!!!
Update 17 Patch Notes
Testing the Data Center This Weekend
Test was crazy. Bob2 just flat out blew up a couple of times. You couldn’t queue. I heard that lag was awful. I was stuck in the newbie area the entire time I could get in which was about 30 minutes.BTW, the server had more folks on it that even the busiest Brandywine nights before we had to bring it down to add more power. You gals and guys are doing a fantastic job! Thank you!
Frelorn: Thanks to everyone who made it in tonight, we learned some invaluable information. We will be doing another one of these in the not so distant future, and we will also do a wrap-up here on the forums next week for those who are curious about what we learned from the event tonight. We will be awarding prizes later during the week to everyone who participated.
However we did determine how many users each machine could handle (800). We had 2 online this last test and confirmed that the performance issues didn’t really kick in until we got to 1700 players. We will be using that data to bulk up our Bullroarer environment (as well as the other servers being built out). We will re-test on November 7th 12-2PM EST, preparing for a much higher number of players and see how that smooths out.
New Round of Palantir Preview is Starting
Winterstock III is coming in January.
Contact Information
Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com
Facebook:LOTRO Reporter
Voicemail: 616-666-6778
YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork
Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac
Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor

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