Lords of Thunder Podcast

Lords of Thunder Podcast

Lords of Thunder Podcast Episode 12 – Wrestling

December 17, 2015

In episode 12 of the Lords of the Thunder Podcast Happy Console Gamer and AlphaOmegaSin talk about all things Wrestling! Both of us grew up watching wrestling with the WWF and Hulkamania running wild. Then went full on into the 90’s with the attitude era with Stone Cold, Degeneration X, The Undertaker, The Rock etc. Then the Monday Night Wars with WCW vs WWF and seeing shows live like ECW with all the carnage and insanity that happened. We talk about some of our memories growing up of wrestling, our favorite wrestlers, some stand out matches for us and much much more. So strap in for another episode this week of the Lords of Thunder podcast here on Final Bosses!
Johnny Millennium The Happy Console Gamer
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