Lord of My Life

Lord of My Life

Latest Episodes

Not of This World
February 22, 2019

We should act as if we are truly not of this world.

Deceive The Minds
February 20, 2019

Educate yourself in the truth.

Save From Death
February 18, 2019

Reach out to those who wander away from the truth.

Mutually Encouraged
February 15, 2019

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

All In
February 13, 2019

To live for Christ is an "all in" proposition.

Plank Eye
February 11, 2019

It is human nature to have an opinion about how others are running their lives.

Someone Else
February 08, 2019

If God asks you to do something, you should do it.

Cry of the Poor
February 06, 2019

We should care about the poor because God does.

When You Fast
February 04, 2019

Fasting affords a deep connection with God.

When You Pray
February 01, 2019

Prayer is essential in every Christian walk.