Lord of My Life

Lord of My Life

Latest Episodes

Made New
May 27, 2019

Being "made new" is a process.

Through The Fire
May 24, 2019

When facing a trial, God is with you in the fire.

Bread of Life
May 22, 2019

Eat his flesh and live forever.

Right Pursuit
May 20, 2019

Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.

Time Well Spent
May 17, 2019

Are you pursuing things that have eternal rewards?

Influence God
May 15, 2019

True repentance goes a long way with God.

Because He Loves
May 13, 2019

Loving God results in his favor toward us.

Eyes On You
May 10, 2019

Keep your eyes on God. Nothing is too big for him.

Proclaimed Fast
May 08, 2019

It is biblical for large groups of believers to fast.

Overcome Evil
May 06, 2019

We are not to answer evil with evil.