Loh Down on Science: Special Pandemic Edition

Loh Down on Science: Special Pandemic Edition

Dawn Chorus

June 03, 2020

Dawn. The time for sunrises, coffee, and extremely loud birds. Have they gotten noisier, or has the world quieted down?

Many theories can explain why our feathered friends sing. And although their “dawn chorus” seems like it got cranked to an eleven, ornithologists say that’s not the case. As our world quiets down to a whisper, birds have less competition. They’ve actually toned it down; we’ve just gotten better at listening.

Written and reported by Brenna Biggs.


  1. Pickett, P. Why Do Birds Sing So Early in the Morning?. Wild Birds Unlimited (2020).

  2. Greene, D. Do Those Birds Sound Louder To You? An Ornithologist Says You're Just Hearing Things. NPR (2020).

  3. Mayntz, M. The Dawn Chorus - What Birds Sing and Why?. The Spruce (2020).

  4. Kacelnik, A. Studies of Foraging Behaviour and Time Budgeting in Great Tits (Parus major). (1979).