Local Hearted: Asheville Artists | WNC Artists | Art Business

Local Hearted: Asheville Artists | WNC Artists | Art Business

LH025: Susan Sinyai – Light-Inspired Landscape and Still Life Paintings

October 24, 2018

Whether painting still lifes or landscapes, in oils or pastels, Asheville artist Susan Sinyai's inspiration is light.  In this interview, Susan talks about her development as an artist and how she is now passing on her love of painting to others, as a teacher in a studio in Asheville.

Susan is an award winning painter with a BFA from UNC Asheville.  When she graduated from UNCA, she worked for ten years as a portrait artist.  Susan shares her reasons for moving from portraiture to her light-filled landscapes and still lifes.

Susan also talks about her relatively new art form--creating glass sculptures for the garden, which in turn, have their own mesmerizing way with light.

To connect with Susan and see more examples of her work:

visit her website at https://www.susanmeyersinyai.com

Highlights of this interview include:

discussion of a two-year collaborative mural project Susan worked on at UNCA after she had already graduated
how a critique of an artist's work can either help or harm
ways in which Susan and other people she knows were NOT positively encouraged in their artistic endeavors
and how those experiences have caused Susan to take a very different approach as a painting teacher

Local artists and resources mentioned during this episode:

Tucker Cooke, now retired UNCA Art Professor
Fleta Monahan, owner of 310 Art in the River Arts District of Asheville, NC (link takes you to her interview on Local Hearted Podcast!)
Pam Granger Gale, owner of Majik Studios in Asheville, NC
Beverly Kies
The School of Athens collaborative mural at UNCA

Other examples of Susan's work:

And Susan's Latest Creations, her "Shiny, Happy Flowers"