#LocalGovMatters 2.0 Episode 2: WisDOT Secretary Thompson Discusses the MLS Grant Program
Join #LocalGovMatters as we sit down with Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Secretary Craig Thompson to discuss the Multimodal Supplement Grant Program (MLS), as well as take a 10,000 foot view of the state of transportation here in Wisconsin. We discuss the breadth of issues WisDOT handles every day, from the DMV to the State Patrol to ports.
MLS Background
The Wisconsin 2019-21 biennial budget provides $75 million to local and tribal governments in one-time general purpose revenue funding (GPR).
The funds are available through the Multimodal Local Supplement (MLS) program and may be used for multimodal transportation projects on the local system. The program pays up to 90% of total eligible costs with local governments providing a minimum of 10% cost share.
According to WisDOT, $1.4 billion in applications came in earlier this month, with 1,596 applications being reviewed and the recipients are expected to be announced in February.
Real ID: How to Apply
Amtrak Hiawatha Line
Show Ideas?
Contact #LocalGovMatters hosts Michelle Thompson of the Wisconsin Counties Association or Gail Sumi of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities with show ideas.
A special thanks to Jackie Johnson for all sound editing and to Ann Marie Austin for her technical support.
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