
#LocalGovMatters Episode 3: WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson
Join #LocalGovMatters co-hosts, WCA President & CEO Mark O’Connell and WCA Communications Consultant Michelle Gormican Thompson, as they sit down with Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary Craig Thompson as they discuss project updates and what the department does to keep our state moving forward.
Secretary Thompson, who is slated to take over as president of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials in November of 2023, takes a deeper dive into specific major projects, passenger rail, electric vehicles and the critical role of ports in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation: www.wisconsindot.gov
Wisconsin Counties Association website: www.wicounties.org
Wisconsin Counties Magazine July 2023 issue on aviation
Show Ideas? Contact #LocalGovMatters co-host Michelle Gormican Thompson of the Wisconsin Counties Association with show ideas. A special thanks to Jackie Johnson for sound editing and to Ann Marie Austin for her technical support. This episode was recorded on August 3, 2023.
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