Living Out Loud with Alley & Amanda

Living Out Loud with Alley & Amanda

Special Guest #13- Michelle Spadafora

January 20, 2016

Michelle Spadafora, the founder of Faithful Workouts, became a believer in 2003. As her faith grew, she became increasingly moved by God’s love for her and wanted to share it with others.

She felt God asking her to bring faith to her exercise platform. She began incorporating upbeat Christian music and Biblical messages into her workout plans. The combination was powerful! Her students were becoming stronger, physically and spiritually.

In 2008, God opened doors for her to bring this revolutionary Christian Fitness  plan to the world through TV, DVDs, books, and memberships.

Listen as she shares fun tips to live healthy, balance a life of busyness and exercise, and talks about her family exchanging homes with people internationally. WHAT!? Yes, she really does.