The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

098: Trusting God with Our Kids (and Everything Else!)

November 09, 2022

“Trust is the key that takes us back to the Garden – back to intimate friendship with God.”

How can we lay down our fear and hold on in faith amidst the ups and downs of marriage and parenting? In this episode of the Moms in Prayer podcast, Joanna shares the journey God took her on while writing Embracing Trust: Letting Go and Holding on to a Forever Faithful God. Joanna and Stacy discuss laying down our control, insecurities and expectations in exchange for intimacy with God.


Important Takeaways from the Show
  • When dealing with out “Flesh Woman”, it’s not a sin to doubt or be tempted, but what we do with doubt temptation that matters.
  • Just as distrust led us out of the garden, key is the trust back into intimacy with God.
  • As moms, we can easily hide from God using modern day “fig leaves” like our children, a beautiful home, the perfect marriage or worldly success.
  • When we turn our convictions into criticism rather than intercession, we are harming rather than helping.
  • It’s easy to put our faith in an outcome rather than faith in our God.
  • Childlike faith asks big things of God, and trusts Him with the outcome.
  • We often forfeit God-given peace when we do not give our burdens to the Lord.
  • We often have a problem with God’s sovereignty because we have a problem with trust.
  • God wants to show us His faithfulness, but we miss out on His blessings when we choose control over trust.


Links from Show

The Life of Trust: Being a Narrative of the Lord’s Dealings by George Mueller

Joanna’s New Book: Embracing Trust: The Art of Letting Go and Holding On to a Forever-Faithful God

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