The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

097: Loving the Bible with Mesu Andrews | The Living Room

October 26, 2022

“The goal of Christian fiction is to stir the reader’s curiosity and send them to the Bible for more.”

In this episode Mesu Andrew talks with us about bringing the Bible alive and truly loving the word of God. Mesu has written 13 Biblical novels, her newest being Miriam: A Treasures of the Nile Novel. In today’s podcast we discuss the power of Christian fiction to sanctify our imagination and out us in the shoes of Biblical characters. Mesu shares her approach to writing Biblical fiction, the Biblical accounts that have impacted her the most while writing, and how the story of scripture changed her relationship with Jesus.

Important Takeaways from the Show
  • Mesu’s three layered approach to Biblical fiction: combining the unchangeable truth of scripture, historical research (debatable facts), and fill in with fiction to create a novel that feels real and believable.
  • Mesu’s goal in Christian fiction is to stir the curiosity of the reader and have them end up delving into scripture for answers.
  • It’s important to have a “sanctified imagination”.
  • Biblical fiction helps us to approach the Bible with more imagination, and put ourselves in the Biblical figure’s shoes.
  • Mesu’s battle with chronic pain – finding God in the journey.
  • God welcomes our “why” questions, but He answers with “who” He is instead. When we know “who”, the “why” doesn’t matter.
  • Scripture tells us we can receive the limits God puts on our life as a gift instead of a punishment.
  • It is in our suffering that we become more accurate reflections of our Savior.
  • Journalling can be a concrete, tangible reminder of our conversations with God that we can look back on as reminders of His faithfulness.


Links from Show

Mesu Andrew’s Christian Fiction Books

ESV Illuminated Bible Journals

Joanna’s New Book: Embracing Trust: The Art of Letting Go and Holding On to a Forever-Faithful God

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