The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

084: The Fight to Flourish with Jennie Lusko

April 27, 2022

084: The Fight to Flourish with Jennie Lusko

“Fighting and flourishing are meant to blend together”

In this heartfelt episode, author Jennie Lusko, shares from her new book, The Fight to Flourish: Engaging in the Struggle to Cultivate the Life You Were Born to Live. Jennie serves alongside her husband, Levi, leading Fresh Life Church in Montana, Utah, Oregon, and Wyoming, as well as across the world online. After the loss of her five-year-old daughter, Lenya, Jennie was left with the idea that a flourished life might never be attainable…until God revealed that the flourishing is often birthed in struggle.

Through grit and grace, surrender and trust, God showed Jennie that even as a seed needs darkness to grow and blossom, we too can grow even in the darkest of situations. Flourishing begins in the struggle. It’s in the fight through the hard that we can begin to shine, as we keep our eyes focused on God.

Important Takeaways from Show
  • Hard things don’t always have to be in the “bad” category; It’s the hard that brings out the most good.
  • When a seed is planted in the dark ground, that is when it starts to grow and flourish.
  • Do not “fast-forward” through the process or you’ll miss all that God has for you. There is beauty in His process.
  • “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” James 1:2
  • Only God can do the deep part, but we can do our part by pressing in and keeping our eyes on Him. 2 Chronicles 20:12
  • We can respond to brokenness with grit and grace, “God speak to me; your servant is listening.”
  • “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” Psalm 139:23
  • Respond with active faith and not passive participation.
  • “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24
  • When you are stuck in the grief, take a tiny step towards the Lord.
  • Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. James 4:8
  • God can help us buy back the time; it is never too late to ask God to redeem the time.
  • Run toward the roar; when hard rears its ugly head, stand firm and hand it over to God.
  • Find a safe place and safe people to be honest in the pain.
  • Excavate – go deeper with the Lord. Go further up and further in, and there you’ll find the treasure.
  • It is possible to shine in the darkness, because Jesus is the light of the world.

Connect with Jennie Lusko

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“Our God, will you not judge them?
For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us.
We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 

2 Chronicles 20:12

Show Links

Book: The Fight To Flourish: Engaging in the Struggle to Cultivate the Life You Were Born to Live

The Fight to Flourish: Six Session Study Guide

Sparkling Gems From The Greek

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