The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

076: Uncomplicating Friendship with Andi Andrew

January 05, 2022

"The common denominator in all your friendships is YOU!"
In this episode, Andi Andrew shares from her newest book, Friendship—It’s Complicated. While friendship is a beautiful God-given gift, it is not always easy. After experiencing the hurt of many disappointing and broken friendships, Andi felt God call her to take ownership of her own heart issues which led to healing and healthier friendships.

Andi invites us all to stop the cycle of blaming others and allow God to reveal the fault lines within us, untangle the mess and bring healing. Then we too can experience the gift of reconciliation and building authentic friendships.
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Important Takeaways from Show

God takes us back to our broken places to move us forward in healing
As we allow our Healer to bring healing to our hearts we can experience healing in our relationships
No friendship can meet all of our needs; only God can
Mismanaged hurt will follow us until we allow God to bring healing
We get in God's way when we try to be a false messiah and fix all of our friends' problems
God will allow the removal of approval from others to reveal fault lines in our own life
We often choose the pain and loneliness of self-preservation over the potential of messy, yet godly connection with others
We learn to be self-aware and find healing so that we can shift our focus to others and help them find healing
God often uses our broken, messy places to minister to others
Identify the patterns in your friendships and recognize that while there are often different scenarios, there is the same snare
It takes humility and vulnerability on both sides to reconcile and rebuild relationships
"Be authentic with the many and vulnerable with the few" ~ Irene Rollins
The wounds of a friend are faithful because a true friend's correction is built on a relationship that is loyal, trustworthy, and authentic (Proverbs 27:6)
Use the Word of God to bring truth and encouragement to your friends rather than respond with only compassion and validation
"Discernment is God’s call to intercession, never to fault finding" ~ Oswald Chambers
We become more like Christ when in close relationship with other people, not in isolation


As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another.
~Proverbs 27:17

Links from Show
New Book: Friendship—It’s Complicated: Avoid the Drama, Create Authentic Connection and Fulfill Your Purpose Together
Podcast: Coffee With Andi
Previous Book: She Is Free: Learning the Truth about the Lies that Hold You Captive
[Disclosure: I make a small commission from affiliate links used in this post.]
Connect with Andi
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Connect with Joanna
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