The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

063: Best of TLR with Debbie Lindell

July 07, 2021

“There is beauty in every step when you just keep walking with Jesus!”
Today's Best of The Living Room Summer Series features Debbie Lindell and her book, She Believes: Embracing the Life You Were Created to Live. 

Debbie's personal struggle to believe that she had what it took to lead others and learning to seek God and rely on His truth and power resonated with so many women. She reminds us all that it is not enough to know or even understand the truth of God's Word, we have to embrace it for ourselves.

BONUS - Don't miss your opportunity to win Debbie's book bundled with books from all of the authors featured in The Best of the Living Room Summer Series plus a $75 Amazon Gift card! Find out how below.
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Important Takeaways from Show

The enemy wants us to doubt God's truth about who we are
We have to believe that God can use us and then rely completely on His power
If we rely only on ourselves, we will never see the supernatural power of God manifested in our lives
Get alone with Jesus so He can speak His truth and direction into your heart
God specializes in changing hearts
When we choose obedience, it gives God access to change our hearts
If we'll give God our time, He can transform our faulty thinking
God longs for His children to look to Him first and He never fails to respond
When we commit ourselves to God, He will work in His timing and His ways  (Psalm 37:5)
As the bride of Christ, we are invited into an intimate relationship with God which requires intentionality
The more time you spend with God, the more you begin to hear and understand Him
God speaks to us in many different ways when we are actively listening
Our responsibility is to seek God with all of our hearts; it is up to Him to speak to us how He desires
Prayer is the baseline for understanding who God is and what He can do in and through us


Links from Show
She Believes: Embracing the Life You Were Created to Live
She Prays: A 31-Day Journey to Confident Conversations with God
Designed For Life Conference 2021
[Disclosure: I make a small commission from affiliate links used in this post.]
Connect with Debbie Lindell
Website |Instagram | Facebook

Connect with Joanna
 Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter

Giant Summer Giveaway

You could win copies of all the books featured this summer - PLUS a $75 AMAZON GIFT CARD!!

Here's how you do it...

Listen to every episode - TLR 061 to TLR 066 
Write down the secret hashtag mentioned at the end of the show - for example: #TLRgiveaway
Share the episode on social media using its individual hashtag - get bonus points if you share ALL six episodes!!
Each time you use the hashtag, you'll get another entry
On September 1st, we'll search the hashtags and randomly draw a winner!

Thanks for helping us spread the news!!
Having a Mary Heart Video Bible Study available ONLINE!!!
Designed to go with my best-selling book, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, this 10-session study repackages the previous DVD Study teachings in a course format - but also includes a FREE study guide! Perfect for groups and individuals.
Get 20% off by entering the following code: LIVINGROOM20 
If you're a Bible Study Leader, there's also a group discount...just enter code: HAHMLEADER20

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I'd love to hear from you... What spoke most to you from Debbie's interview?