The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

TLR 141: I Thought This Would Make Me Happy with Chelsea Damon

September 11, 2024
What do we do when happily-ever-after isn’t so happy?

When John and I married more than forty years ago – (wow, time goes fast!) – I was pretty sure everything would be smooth sailing. We both loved the Lord and had so much in common, how could it be anything but heaven-on-earth?

In this episode of The Living Room podcast, Chelsea Damon, the author of the new book, I Thought This Would Make Me Happy: How to Fight Less, Forgive Faster, and Cultivate Joy in Marriage, and I talk about our own marital journeys and the incredible wisdom she shares in the book about building a strong, joy-filled marriage that’s grounded in God and the beautiful refining that comes when we let God get His hands on us.

Key Takeaways: 

  • The inspiration behind Chelsea’s book and her personal experiences with marriage
  • Practical advice on overcoming common marital challenges and fostering joy
  • The importance of shifting focus from self-fulfillment to serving your spouse
  • Insights on the metaphor of marriage as a garden – weeding out sin, planting the right seeds, and allowing God’s grace to grow
  • Real-life stories and testimonies that highlight the power of love, forgiveness, and faith

Whether you’re married or not, I promise you’ll benefit from this conversation! Discover how to navigate expectations, communicate effectively, and keep Christ at the center of all your relationships.

Links from Show

Chelsea’s Book: I Thought This Would Make Me Happy: How to Fight Less, Forgive Faster, and Cultivate Joy in Marriage

Chelsea’s Ministry: Living the Sweet Wife

Joanna’s Latest Book: Embracing Trust: The Art of Letting Go and Holding On to a Forever-Faithful God

Joanna’s YouTube Channel

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