Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

Life Together: Speaking Desire
May 31, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. 

Life Together: Freedom of Speech
May 23, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. One of the greatest goals of life together is to have a community where people can speak truthfully—and freely—to each other, precisely what God is putting on their hearts, without fear. How we do that is going to depend o

Life Together: People Are Strange
May 15, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. People are strange sometimes. It’s not always easy to deal with the strangeness of others, but scripture tells us about the importance of welcoming the stranger, because by doing so we are welcoming Christ into our midst. 

Life Together: The Community of Christ
May 09, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The perfect community of Christ seems so elusive, like a dream or vision that we will never achieve. Maybe we’re approaching God’s community in the wrong way. A community of Christ is not based ultimately on wh

Discipleship How: Sacred Rhythm
May 01, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. To become the people we want to be in Christ, we need to structure our lives to allow God to transform us. So we need to think through our days from the rising of the sun to the moment we hit our pillow. This need not be d

Discipleship How: Word of God Speak
April 24, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Many folks struggle to read scripture. Perhaps it hasn’t been the life-giving word to you that it’s meant to be. We can learn to read scripture not as a textbook but as a love letter. Lectio Divina can be our way of doing

Discipleship How: The God Pause
April 18, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. In our super-stuffed lives, we may not be making enough room for God. We could use a simple (like seriously simple) discipline in everyday life to make room for God—to allow God to speak, to listen to our soul’s cry for Go

Discipleship How: Transformation Through Discipleship
April 10, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Do you want real change? Real transformation in your life? This happens through disciplines, which are so misunderstood today. Let’s recapture the beauty, freedom, and joy that we can experience through spiritual dis

Discipleship How: All In
April 03, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are beginning our sequel to the “Discipleship Now” series with how to actually practice discipleship. It begins with a key step: becoming Jesus’ apprentice for life. Jesus, the greatest teacher this world has ever known

Living Hope
March 27, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus lives! This reality gives hope to all who would otherwise be hopeless. Learning to trust in the God who can bring life from death is what fuels us to never give up following Jesus. For we don’t worship a dead messiah