Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

#Kingdom: As In Heaven
October 16, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What does it look like when God’s kingdom comes to earth? Why doesn’t the world look like the kingdom now if that’s what Jesus came to bring? God reveals to us just how he plans to build his kingdom. (Hin

#Kingdom: The King and I
October 09, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus has come as the perfect king to establish a new kingdom. What does Jesus the king desire to do within us? How can we the imperfect ever hope to be a part of his perfect kingdom? God desires to not just forgive us, bu

#Kingdom: The Kingdom Story
October 03, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Do you ever feel like the gospels don’t make sense? What do they have to do with the traditional salvation story we have all been told? Maybe, we have been getting the story wrong in a way–or at least have only

Know: The Gospel
September 26, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The Gospel. So much has been made of this word, but to know its significance for our lives now, we need to understand that the gospel is fundamentally good news of a world-shaking event. This event really happened, and its

Know: God
September 19, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. 

Know: Truth
September 11, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Following Jesus is a life based in knowledge of what is true and real. This was a threatening concept in Jesus’ time, and it is in ours as well. Our faith needs to be based on real, intimate, certain knowledge of God

Re-Creation: Re-Creating Prayer
September 05, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Perhaps the most important part of our re-creation is prayer. In prayer, we can learn to allow God to be a part of all we do and give to God the ultimate control in our lives and universe. 

Re-Creation: Active
August 28, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Though it’s sometimes needed to sometimes rest by doing nothing, we also must heed the design of our bodies—and minds—to move. For we were meant to give all of ourselves to God. So what we do with our bodies and minds is i

Re-Creation: Made to Create
August 22, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. 

Re-Creation: God is Fun
August 15, 2016

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. God is fun! Does that sound odd to you? Is it surprising to see biblical people like David dancing and having fun? The world has co-opted the idea of fun and we have some unhealthy ways of pursuing fun, many of which leave