Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

Living Faith: What Is Your Life?
August 19, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What is our life really worth? We make all kinds of plans and live for all kinds of things, but are they really things that are worthwhile? We can live a life for God full of purpose and meaning.  Advertisements

Living Faith: Curing the Double-Mind
August 12, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are double-minded people. We know what we should do in God, but then there’s what we really want to do. We live in a world that encourages us to do what we want, what feels good in the moment. God offers us grace

Living Faith: Wisdom From Above
August 05, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. God’s wisdom is not a matter of boasting, it speaks for itself. This wisdom comes from above, we cannot get it or earn it on our own, but its purpose is for living here below.  Advertisements

Living Faith: More Than Brushing Your Teeth
July 29, 2018

Message from Kevin Hong. Our tongues can be really nasty tools of destruction. But the core issue is not in the cleaning of the tongue itself. It is to cleanse and renew the source of which our tongues breathe: our souls. (James 3:1-12)  Advertisements

Living Faith: Whole Love
July 16, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Here are “holes” in our love, or maybe it’s more that it’s in parts. This is what partiality is — inconsistent love. God wants to teach us how to bring all the parts together to make us whole!

Living Faith: Right
July 08, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are meant to be “right” (righteous) as God is. But are we more concerned with feeling that we are ALREADY right rather than BECOMING right people? God wants us to make room for his word to make us RIGHTeous

Living Faith: Steadfast
July 05, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Learning to be steadfast in the trials of life makes us complete, lacking nothing! It is a kind of super power to know the absolute goodness of God no matter your circumstance. (Sorry for the mic not working from 33:25 to

The Story of Jesus: Resurrected Life
June 24, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The resurrection represents a different reality that we can live into and experience, a life without fear, a life of love and bold proclamation of the gospel. 

The Story of Jesus: The Way of the Cross
June 17, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus died for us, but he also told us to take up our cross too, to die to self, to experience death before resurrection. The cross is our most defining symbol for good reason; it is necessary!  Advertisements

The Story of Jesus: Weak
June 10, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We don’t like to acknowledge the truth that we are weaker than we think or present. We are not able to live for God as we say we will. Our weakness is true strength if we can learn the power of acceptance and surrend
