Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

The Story of Jesus: Grace
June 03, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Amidst betrayal, Jesus shares a meal with his betrayers and those who would very soon fail him. More than just sharing bread and wine, he gave himself for us. Gratitude and giving are paired together perfectly in a meal fo

The Story of Jesus: A Beautiful Thing
May 28, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What do we have to give to God? The woman in this passage gives a costly offering that others criticize. Jesus calls it a beautiful thing, this gift done out of love. We can also offer God what we can, our own beautiful th

Story of Jesus: Stay Awake
May 20, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We live our lives as if were asleep or unconscious way too often. We miss God and the beautiful moments He is sending us. We need to learn to be awake and stay awake!  Advertisements

The Story of Jesus: The Coming of the Lord
May 13, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus foretells some dark times for the disciples. It is not unexpected when we go through suffering, but he also warns us not to look for false saviors. Desolation comes before the coming of the Lord.  Advertisements

The Story of Jesus: The Greatest
April 29, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The two commands that trump everything else are about the same thing: love. The other things we make Christianity about are usually in sharp contrast to love. Love is the greatest. God wants us to receive his gift of love,

The Story of Jesus: God of Now
April 23, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The God that Jesus seemed to know is one who is immensely present right now, without idealizing our current reality or skipping ahead to better times. It is not perfect, but God is here now.  Advertisements

The Story of Jesus: A Higher Power
April 16, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Kingdom authority is hard for us to accept. We don’t like being wrong. We don’t like being told what to do. To accept a higher power is to humbly accept our own limitations of what we can know. This is the key to knowing G

The Story of Jesus: Why You Mad?
April 08, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Anger and faith might seem like they don’t mix, but Jesus did get mad. Can you express anger and confront without sinning? Jesus did. And he forgave everything too.  Advertisements

The Story of Jesus: Un-rolling Stones
April 02, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Some stones in life seem completely unmovable. Others just keep rolling and seem like they will never stop. Resurrection is the great reversal that proves that truly nothing is impossible for God. New life is always possib

The Story of Jesus: Save
March 29, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus the king we misunderstood came not to conquer violently but to humbly give up his life as a ransom so that we can be saved. 
