Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

Metanoia: Blessed
October 28, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus’ declaration of who is truly blessed in this life is frankly shocking. What do we do with these non-desirable affirmations, such as being “poor in spirit?” It is here that we can find the kingdom, a

Metanoia: The Gospel of the Kingdom
October 21, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The kingdom of God is WITHIN US, God is not removed from our every day lives and problems, but the good news is that God can and will heal all of the “sickness” within us–physical, mental, spiritual.  Adv

Metanoia: Letting Go
October 14, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The most important step in our spiritual journey is letting go. Our world is all about what we gain and what we control, not what we lose and let go of, but Jesus teaches us that real life, love, joy, and peace comes from

Metanoia: Light up the Dark
October 08, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus comes to light up the darkness, so we can open up our eyes to see that God is here and we have nothing to fear. 

Metanoia: Who Am I?
September 30, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Satan comes to challenge our identity as God’s beloved child; we are tempted every day to build our identity on something else. The roof of who we really are cannot come from what we do or the affirmations of this wo

Metanoia: The Born Identity
September 23, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Our truest identity is being a child of God. This utterly simple truth is so hard for us to believe as we strive to be great in this world. We cannot achieve or earn this identity, it can only be received as a gift.  Adver

Metanoia: Unquenchable Fire
September 16, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The kingdom of the heavens is not about changing a few things, it’s about immersion into a new life. This means an end to the games we play in the old world. Jesus is coming with the fire of the spirit to burn it all

Mentanoia – Kingdom (Has) Come
September 09, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus has come to literally change the world (and all worlds). Nothing will ever be the same, and that’s a good thing. But truth is–There are some changes we really don’t want. Are you ready for the revol

Living Faith: Prayer of Faith
September 03, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are to pray in all circumstances as it expresses our dependence and trust i God. Prayer is a powerful tool for reconciliation and healing, but we sometimes forget that and we forget to use this powerful tool we’ve

Living Faith: The Purpose of Patience
August 26, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We always hear that patience is a virtue. But for what purpose God is doing something in us by our learning and experiencing patience. 
