Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

Metanoia: The Kingdom Prayer, Part 2
January 13, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We all want God’s will to be done. God’s will is forgiveness and love. Have you forgiven yourself, others? By aligning ourselves to forgiveness and love, we are able to experience God and his kingdom.  Advertis

Metanoia: The Kingdom Prayer, Part 1
January 06, 2019

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We will begin exploring the famous Lord’s prayer and how this can be applicable for us today, not as a form prayer, but a prayer that aligns us with God’s kingdom–a kingdom where we have a holy heavenly father who fu

Discipleship and Money
December 30, 2018

Message from Pastor Tom Humphreys.But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.  Advertisements

Metanoia: In Secret
December 17, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. “All the world’s a stage.” It’s hard sometimes to not feel like we’re always performing. So who are we really when no one is looking? Jesus calls us to find God–and ourselves–in se

Metanoia: The End of Enemies
December 09, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. As we learn to live into the kingdom law, “love your neighbor as if they were you,” we find that the concept of an enemy no longer makes sense. The kingdom rightness demands that we love them. It’s not so

Metanoia: True to Your Word
December 02, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We use our words to hide our true meaning and to manipulate others. Jesus wants us to be true to our word and trust in God’s reign as king of the universe. We no longer need to manage outcomes.  Advertisements

Metanoia: Roots, Pt 2
November 25, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Is the life Jesus wants for us the best sort of life? Many of us are not really convinced of this and what we desire in our flesh causes all sorts of problems for us. God desires us to live a life of selfless Christlike lo

Metanoia: Roots, Pt 1
November 18, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus wants to not just deal with the surface of our issues but wants to get at the root. When it comes to anger/hatred/violence, Jesus is concerned with the roots of bitterness and contempt so that we can become the peopl

Metanoia: Fulfilled
November 11, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What do we do with the law? Jesus came not to abolish it, but to fulfill it–in us. We are supposed to be more righteous than the Pharisees as we move from legalism to having the heart of the law genuinely within us. 

Metanoia: The Light
November 04, 2018

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are called to be the light of the world, but it’s so easy in this world to lose our fire, as we are blown out by the winds of the world. We must stay lit, by the fire of the presence of God. The world needs us to
