Biblical Moments with Frank King

Biblical Moments with Frank King

The Kind of Servant God Wants (Episode 121)

December 28, 2024

“The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few” (Matt. 9:37, KJV). This was Jesus’ assessment of His day. It is still true today.

These days, God is seeking more laborers to work for the Kingdom. More people who will make themselves available to be used by Him. First and foremost, one must know the kind of servant God wants.

Our idea of the kind of servant God wants can differ significantly from what He actually wants. Young David is a good example. He was the youngest of the sons of Jesse. His seven brothers came before Samuel the prophet one by one. Even Samuel thought the oldest son was God’s choice for king (1 Samuel 16:6). But God rejected them all and chose David.

What did God see in David that He did not see in his seven brothers? He saw David as a young man after God’s own heart.  That’s what God was looking for in the new king after He rejected Saul the current king (1 Samuel 13:14).

To have a heart after the heart of God means you are passionate about the things that please God. You like what He likes, and you shun the things He hates. We can be that kind of person only after we have become born again by the Spirit of God.

But being born again is not enough. To be a man or a woman after God’s heart, you must allow the Holy Spirit to govern your life. The more time you spend with God and in the things of God, the more your heart becomes one with His.

As it was in Jesus’ day, so it is today that the harvest is plenteous, and the laborers are few. The question is, are we or will we become the kind of servant God wants us to be. Will we commit to being a man or woman after God’s own heart. That’s the kind of servant He wants in these last days.