Biblical Moments with Frank King

Biblical Moments with Frank King

Being Blessed but Unthankful (Episode 116)

November 26, 2024

On the fourth Thursday in November, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day in America. But also, God has called us to give thanks at all times. One of the most popular verses quoted this time of the year is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Paul writes, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Since God commands us to give thanks, thanksgiving is important to Him. Moreover, since He has commanded us to give thanks, He has already deemed Himself worthy of thanksgiving.

Sometimes, we know we are blessed. But we fail to give thanks because we are not being blessed the way we want to be blessed. Or because we have not been blessed the way someone else is being blessed. The point is that we can be blessed and be unthankful at the same time, if we are not careful.

In the days of Moses, God delivered His people from slavery in Egypt, taking them to a land of their own. When they arrived at the outskirts of the Promised Land, the spies went in and checked it out. They discovered that giants were living in the land that had to be driven out. When the spies returned and reported this news to the people, they started murmuring and complaining and weeping and talking about returning to Egypt.

It displeased the Lord because the people complained and were unthankful although He was blessing them. This can happen to us as well. if we are not careful.

Our ability to give thanks in everything is a function of our faith in God. If the only time we can give thanks is when all things go well, that means we need to deepen our faith so we can in everything give thanks.