Biblical Moments with Frank King

Biblical Moments with Frank King

When God's Ways Make No Sense to You (Episode 110)

October 07, 2024

Sometimes, God’s ways won’t make much sense to you. At times, His instructions or guidance to us will defy human logic. It’s like you’re adding 1 and 1 and you’re getting 3.

A perfect example is recorded in the book of Genesis. After God had miraculously opened Sarah's womb to bless Abraham with a son at the age of 100, God tested Abraham. He told Abraham to offer young Isaac for a burnt offering.

This made no sense to Abraham. Isaac was Abraham’s miracle baby. He was God’s answer to Abraham’s complaint that he did not have a son to be his heir. How could Isaac become Abraham’s heir and be a burnt offering at the same time? Nevertheless, Abraham obeyed the Lord. He had to believe that God knew what He was doing because Abraham surely didn’t know what God was up to.

The same can be true about us. Sometimes, you may find yourself in a place in life where you can’t find any biblical reason why you are where you are in life. Remember that God’s ways are higher than ours. We don’t intuitively understand His ways. That’s one reason we must study His Word. It is our only source for understanding God’s ways.

When what God is doing in your life makes no sense to you, your only way forward is to place your faith in Him. That’s what faith is all about—trusting God even when what’s happening in your life makes absolutely no sense to you. You have to believe that God knows how to make all things work together for your good—even when there seems to be no rhyme or reason to what’s happening in your life.