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Live Free FM 02/25/2012
February 25, 2012

This week, Paranoid and GhostDawg discuss the recent attacks by the FBI on Sovereign Citizens. We also discuss how to effectively set up a case against state officials. Lastly, we get into a new (satirical) report classifying anti-statists as being mental

Live Free FM 02/18/2012
February 18, 2012

This week, open lines, Taking calls from the listeners. We discuss alternative currencies, communities without any currencies, a star trek future, 3D printers, ways to protect your privacy and anonymity on the internet, dark net, free net, tor, and a whol

Live Free FM 02/11/2012
February 11, 2012

Paranoid is Joined by GhostDawg to discuss Sovereignty gurus who sell bad procedures and what might happen if you use them without employing critical thinking. This is important information for those of you who are trying to find your way down all of thes

Live Free FM 02/04/2012
February 03, 2012

This week, GhostDawg and Paranoid interview film producer and director D. Thomas Laskowski. Thomas brought us the movie "A Patriot Act" and "The 9." These movies explore where our government is going and what is the motive, and who might be behind it all.

Live Free FM 01/28/2012
January 28, 2012

This week: Paranoid talks about anarcho-capitalism and the idea of competing currencies. Then the discussion turns to SOPA, PIPA and ACTA and how hactivists like Anonymous and Lulz Sec are fighting these affronts to freedom of speech. We finish up with so

Live Free FM 01/21/2012
January 21, 2012

Taxes, are they legitimate or are they theft? This subject is thoroughly examined in this weeks episode of LiveFreeFM. Also, SOPA, PIPA and why the entertainment industry is pushing for internet censorship. Very powerful episode. Do Not Miss. Subscrib

Live Free FM 01/14/2012
January 14, 2012

This week, Paranoid is joined by Jesse Mathewson. Jesse is a liberty minded writer who has been featured on StrikeTheRoot and ZeroGov. This interview focuses on the legitimacy of government. With the United States government reaching so far out of it’s

Live Free FM 01/07/2012
January 07, 2012

Are you researching sovereignty? Have you came across multiple, conflicting explanations of what is really going on in the court house? Are you confused and unsure as to what you should believe and what approach to take? Is your “guru” really just a s

Live Free FM 12/24/2011
December 24, 2011

Special Christmas Episode… That had nothing to do with christmas. Instead, we talked about crop circles, hole punch clouds, 9-11, and what they might all have in common. Zero point, free energy and directed energy weapons. This one will make you rethink

Live Free FM 12/17/2011
December 17, 2011

This week, we discuss the recent passing of the NDAA, a list of ten things that might make you suspected of being a domestic terrorist, and what this means for the people at large. We wrap up the show by examining the only true and lasting solution to the