

Jurisdiction and the Living Man

December 01, 2013



Being that the media has been giving so much negative attention to Black Friday shoppers this week, Nathan decides to shed some light on the aspects of BLack Friday that seem to be getting ignored and look at the tradition from a slightly different angle. Then, the show turns to the topic of Ernie Wayne Tertelgte, the Montana man who was recently cited for fishing without a license and had the video of his first court appearance go viral on youtube and other social media. A lot of people where prematurely exited about his courtroom shenanigans, but Nathan correctly predicted that his efforts would be in vein, later as proved to be the case. Why did Ernie's approach turn out to be ineffective? What really is "jurisdiction"? Why were so many people so exited about this failed attempt at establishing sovereignty? And why was Nathan so annoyed by the whole fiasco? These questions, and more, are all answered in this episode of livefreefm.

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