Live Your Story with Marlene Eick
Latest Episodes
Ep. 067: Small town leadership with Natalie Siston
Coaching and connecting with Natalie Siston. @nataliesiston @smalltownleadership @marleneeick
Ep. 066: Ag Told By Katie with Katie Hatch
@agtoldbykatie @marleneeick
Ep. 065: It's FFA Week! with Jessica Parrish
Counting down our favorite memories and lessons from FFA. Join us in giving!
Ep. 064: Do epic shit with Sarah J. Bohnenkamp
Sarah J. Bohnenkamp joins for a conversation about what millennials want and what millennials need, her career path from credit unions to the beef industry, and her work in leadership coaching through it all. @sarahjbohnenkamp @marleneeick
Ep. 063: A social media life with Jenny Dewey Rohrich
The Prairie Californian is here! Jenny and I chat living life online, developing community, food culture, and more. @prairiecalifornian @sunflowerfarmer @marleneeick for all show notes!
Ep. 062: Community over competition with Hannah Miller
Snow cones. T-shirts. Creating community online. Hannah Miller is a boss at it all. @hannahmomiller @marleneeick.
Ep. 061: Little house, big life with Tiffany Lashmet
Tiffany is an expert in ag law and the writer behind the Little House, Big Life blog. @littlehousebiglifeblog @marleneeick All show notes:
Ep. 060: What's the enneagram? with Amy Miley
Enneagram types and cretzels. @amymmiley @marleneeick Show notes:
Ep 059: Rural gone urban gone rural with Brooke Clay
You don't have to separate your roots and wings. @RuralGoneUrban @marleneeick Notes at
Ep. 058: Leading at all levels with Kelly Whiteman Snipes
Kelly leads at the local, state, and national level in organizations. She knows what it takes. (And she lives in a barn home on her farm - hear all about it!) @oldbluesilo @marleneeick