Live by Every Word
Latest Episodes
#331: What Does It Mean to Be Predestined?
Predestination has nothing to do with any particular decision you will make, or your fate.
#330: Walk by Faith
Faith is a trust and confidence in the invisible God to perform what He has not yet done, and which mortal man cannot do.
#329: A Key to Lasting Change
Only godly sorrowrepentance toward Godwill cause you to overcome.
#328: God's Special Training School
True Christians are now in training for essential positions in Gods soon-coming government.
#327: The Great Difference Between ‘Begotten’ and ‘Born’
When is someone born again?
#326: Made After the God Kind
In Gods pattern for physical life, like reproduces like. And just as each plant or animal reproduces after its own kind, so humans reproduce human...
#325: Is World Government Possible?
Is world government impossiblean idle pipe dream of unrealistic optimists? Is the idea of a soon-coming UTOPIA on Earth merely an absurd myth?
#324: Use God's Holy Spirit
God has given His people the power to fulfill their responsibilities!
#323: Called-Out-Ones
Those called into the Church were called not merely for salvation and eternal life, but to learn the way of Gods government and develop the divine...