Little Big Med

Little Big Med

Episode 34: Taking a Device From Concept to Commercial Production with Mark Piehl

January 05, 2021

In this episode of Little Big Med, host Jason Woods talked with Mark Piehl, pediatric intensivist and founder and CMO of 410 Medical Innovation, about his journey with taking an idea for a medical innovation from concept the entire way to commercial production. Mark is co-inventor of the LifeFlow device and has specific interest in improving resuscitation in pediatric shock, sepsis, and trauma.

Key Points:

Guest: Mark Piehl MD, MPH – Founder and CMO of 410 Medical Innovation, Medical Director WakeMed Mobile Pediatric Critical Care Transport Team, pediatric intensivist at WakeMed in Raleigh, NC

Twitter – @markpiehl

Audio Editor – Kellen Vu

Additional Resources:

* 410 Medical Innovation* Publications relating to the LifeFlow device