Little Big Med

Latest Episodes
Episode 35: Pediatric Sedation Trends
In this episode host Jason Woods talks with Corrie Chumpitazi and Pradip Kamat about the general trends in pediatric sedation (outside of the operating room) over the last decade, centered on a paper
Episode 34: Taking a Device From Concept to Commercial Production with Mark Piehl
In this episode of Little Big Med, host Jason Woods talked with Mark Piehl, pediatric intensivist and founder and CMO of 410 Medical Innovation, about his journey with taking an idea for a medical inn
Episode 33: Pediatric Readiness with Stefanie Ames
In this episode of Little Big Med, host Jason Woods talks with Dr. Stefanie Ames about the paper she first-authored titled “Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness and Mortality in Critically Ill Children”. Key Points Retrospective study,
Episode 32 Part 2
This is part 2 of a 2 part episode. Please see part 1 for full show notes, guest information, and references.
Episode 32 Part 1: Pain in the Pediatric ED – an Interprofessional Approach
This is part 1 of a 2 part series. Please be sure to listen to part 2! In this episode, host Jason Woods speaks with Dr. Daniel Tsze and Child Life Specialist Hilary Woodward about how to approach pain in the pediatric patient.
Episode 31: Pediatric Drowning – Prevention and Management
In this episode, host Jason Woods speaks with Emma Harding and Laura Bricklin about drowning in children. The discussion covers prevention (specifically parental and patient education) and management, as well as the current terminology and existing dat...
Episode 30: Pediatric Stroke – A Primer with Dr. Megan Barry
On this episode, host Jason Woods talks with Dr. Megan Barry, pediatric neurologist and stroke specialist, about pediatric stroke. This episode serves as a primer to pediatric stroke and a foundation for future discussion.
Episode 29: AHA Pediatric Post Cardiac Arrest Scientific Statement with Alexis Topjian
On this episode, host Jason Woods talks with Alexis Topjian about the 2019 “AHA Pediatric Post–Cardiac Arrest Care Scientific Statement.” Dr. Topjian is the first author on the statement, which is the first pediatric post arrest care statement from the...
Episode 28: Online Professionalism and Social Media in Medicine with Sarah Mojarad
On this episode, host Jason Woods speaks with Sarah Mojarad, lecturer at USC with appoints in the schools of Medicine and Engineering. Professor Mojarad is an expert in online professionalism, social media use in STEMM (science, technology,
Episode 27, Part 1: Gender Equity in Medicine with Nancy Spector
On this episode, host Jason Woods speaks with Dr. Nancy Spector, Professor of Pediatrics at Drexel University College of Medicine, and Executive Director of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine program, about gender equity issues in medicine.