Reinvention Room with Allison Hare
Force of Nature: Cate Stillman of Yogahealer
Today’s guest is Cate Stillman, founder of the thriving worldwide community of Yogahealer and Yoga Health Coaching, and Author of Body Thrive and a new book coming out this year called Master of You. I got to see Cate Stillman present at a podcast conference recently, and I was lit up with ideas. What struck me is how profound her take was on building a community of people that will push you to your greater good and be in flow for a better earth. Cate has somehow managed to marry her background in international environmental politics and policy and ayurvedic teachings. I knew I had to have her on this show and share her culture-changing ideas with you. Cate founded Yogahealer in 2001, she’s the host of Yogahealer podcast that has 1.5 million podcast downloads, 194,000 Youtube views, and 3,500 community members.
Yogahealer | Instagram
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