Listening In

Listening In

A conversation with Russ Ramsey - S10.E3

May 06, 2022

Russ Ramsey is a pastor and art lover on a mission to help people see themselves as creators, made in God's image. He believes studying great artists can inform our own process of making and creating. In this conversation with host Warren Smith, Ramsey talks about the artists he highlights in his new book, Rembrandt Is In The Wind: Learning To Love Art Through The Eyes of Faith.

Support for Listening In comes from Samaritan Ministries, a community of Christians who care for one another spiritually and financially when a medical need arises.

Samaritan Ministries is a Biblical solution to health care, where members are committed to honoring Christ through prayer and sharing the burden of one another’s medical expenses. Just ask Cameron and Roanna, whose son fractured his wrist. Hospital bills started to arrive, but they weren’t concerned about the financial impact because fellow members came alongside them through prayer and financial support for their medical bills.


A broken bone, cancer, pregnancy, medical emergency…we all know how quickly a health care need can arise. That’s where Samaritan Ministries comes in. There are no network restrictions; you choose the doctors and treatments that are best for you. After care is received, medical bills are sent to Samaritan Ministries, and they notify members to pray and send money directly to you to help you pay your medical bills. New members are welcome anytime of the year. 

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