Listen First Montana

Episode 56: An Interview With The Graduating Class
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Episode 56: An Interview With The Graduating Class
The Leadership Montana Flagship Class of 2023 has graduated! In this episode, Chantel Schieffer hosts short interviews with nine members of the class as they approach the end of their first Leadership Montana journey. Kelly Durbin-Williams, Greg Doyon, Lori St. Aubin, Christiana Nyquest, Kim Hayworth, Travis Yuzik, Robin Kelson, Matt Mandel, and Sara Urbanik each share why they chose to apply for Leadership Montana, which communities they most enjoyed visiting, lessons learned from their experience in the program, and much more. This episode was recorded in the Spring of 2023 on the campus of MSU-Northern in Havre, MT.

Powerful Quotes:
“I remember talking to graduates, and they would always talk about Leadership Montana with a little bit of a gleam in their eye and a little bit of a knowing smile. And now I think I know exactly where they were coming from.” – Greg Doyon
“I think Leadership Montana has actually kind of reset the way I think or approach conversations with people at a very fundamental level, in a way that I didn’t expect.” – Greg Doyon
“I don’t know how I could love this state more, but I do. Thank you, Leadership Montana.” – Christiana Nyquest