Liquid Church Message Video

Liquid Church Message Video

Embracing The Power Of Perseverance | Part 4: Renovate

June 26, 2021

Have you ever given up just before you completed a project? If not, have you ever been tempted to? The truth is, anytime you try to step out of your comfort zone and accomplish something great, you will likely face some kind of opposition. If you’re trying to renovate your life, it takes time and energy. If you’re trying to finish a race, you become tired and may feel defeated. Don’t throw in the towel just before the finish line. Instead, embrace the power of perseverance as you pursue your God-given goal.

In this message from part 4 of Liquid Church’s series, Renovate, Pastor Tim Lucas reflects on Nehemiah’s journey to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in just 52 short days. When progress on this massive project was going well, Nehemiah faced a series of opposition. While Nehemiah’s enemies tried to distract and discredit him, God gave Nehemiah discernment and perseverance to stay focused and complete the task at hand.

Like Nehemiah, we can learn to say no to the distractions and temptations that come from the Enemy of our souls. If God has given you a burden to fulfill, we pray this message will encourage you to stand strong and persevere to the finish line.

Renovate Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church

#Renovate #Restoration #Opposition #Perseverance #Persevere #Courage #Nehemiah #Rebuild #LiquidChurch #TimLucas #Christianity #ChristianChurch