Linux Game Cast Weekly SD

Linux Game Cast Weekly SD

LinuxGameCast Weekly EP113 - Super Double Penetration

October 19, 2014

The Pre-Sequel is out! NVidia brings PhysX to the penguin, 0 A.D. throws Alpha 17 in our FACE organs, and Unity denies all the things. Then Borderlands The Pre-Sequel faces our Chairquisition! All this, plus your hate mail.


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Hate Mail

Colour key: Venn Jordan Pedro

Steam News :

Pre-Sequel launches, Working as Advertised on Day 1

  • Differing regional release dates can DIAF.
  • We’re in 2014 not 1993.
  • I’m actually a bit giddy about this.    Is this the first triple-A game to get a simultaneous release (giggity)

    • More like AAA DLC @ 59.99



  • Shader fixes, basically.
  • Still doesn’t let me use llvm to speed up the shader compiles.


Distance Beta Build 3153

  • Four new challenge modes.
  • WHAR challenge pissing?
  • Quicker level restarts and a FK load of bug fixes.


Screencheat (embargo keys in list)

  • Embargo and launch date of Oct 21

  • I like this bit from the system requirements:

    • Graphics: Any from the last 4 years

  • Interesting mechanic.    Have to play this with roommate and see how that fares
  • It hurt my brain organ a little bit.



  • We talked about this game billions of years ago in the futures past
  • Platformer-FPS blending exploration and speedrun
  • First Unity game I played /w Linux

  • Used to be called DeadLock but then the Dev discovered that was also the name of 1996 TBS game.
  • Those aesthetics remind me of how much they’re trying to be Portal.
  • This was the game that made me realise Unity games work better on the Intel Mesa drivers than AMD’s.


Dolphins Cry

  • Looks neat but no Linux in ze System Requirements so NOPE!
  • 3rd-party DRM YAY! \:D/
  • Several Duke Nukem Forever analogies were made in the comments.   This fills me with hope
  • This doesn’t fill me with confidence:

    • Because you want to limit the number of machines your game runs on in an ecosystem that is trying to introduce “Play anywhere†functionality.   Good jerb


Sigils of Elohim

  • Oh, those crazy Croatians
  • Sliding block puzzle minigame in the Serious Engine?
  • Oh look, free promotional material.

    • In the hands of anyone else, this’d be called Early Access and you’d have to pay full price.

  • Croteam has always attempted to put out Linux ports, so I’ll continue to support them
  • WHAR The Talos Principle?


No Unity

  • Clearly the place to debunk these rumours is ..the forums?
  • If you feed this into the De-BS-o-tron-9k you get ‘nobody wanted to buy us’


Oh, barra-barraCUDA – Yeah



  • Basically a huge free bundle of software and credits for services aimed at making student projects easier by putting all the necessary tools in their hands (Hosting, CI, Collaboration, DNS)

    • Almost as good a deal as hostgator (ker-plug),

  • Apparently my university e-mail is still valid. Can you say free shit?


0 A.D. New Release: Alpha 17 Quercus

  • something something …in a world
  • Performance improvements
  • Scenario and Mod Design
  • New Maps
  • Major Core Combat Rebalance


Terminal Overload 0.3

  • Everyone’s favourite remake of ROTCE is back

    • This time with a new map, GUI improvements, and game improvements

  • Glad he is still working on it since it’s a fun game that nobody knows about.


OG Fallout (1&2) for Linux goes on GitHub

  • Timeslip (prominent OG Fallout modder) gave up on his SDL based Linux engine reimplementation for the original Fallout and Fallout 2.
  • Don’t expect that noise to build OOTB because makefile


- Nooope

- Not sure if want

- Check it out

- Shutupandtakemymonies

Game: Borderlands 2: The Pre-Sequel


Devel: Gearbox/Ass-Pyre

Engine: Willow Engine (Unreal Tech)

Price: $59.99/€49.99

Wazzat: Your mother, the meat bicycle

Makes with the working


  • Works OOTB /w two issues
  • Roughly 30% of our A/V downloads come from space Australia and not only are they hit /w the space Australia tax they get region lock-in FROM A COMPANY IN SPACE AUSTRALIA?

    • This is how you create piracy

  • New rule: FK mothering region locks in 2014 =’s minus one chair.
  • You lose another chair for not even bothering to detect mah hardware.
  • Really, everything was set on calculator.
  • My first experience should not be digging around in advanced graphic settings seeing what else I need to enable or set to high.
  • Outside of that everything else was butter.
  • Ass-pyre did a fine job porting the game. I know this because almost every, single, game-breaking, bug found in the Windows version is here as well ..but that’s not their fault.



  • I ran the game on Both my SteamBox running SteamOS and my Ubuntu 14.04 machine down stairs. It runs flawlessly on proprietary 334. drivers on my Nvidia GTX555.
  • The game has a tendency to stutter on the on the AMD open-source drivers but runs flawlessly on FGLRX 13.35 drivers.


Shiny / Sounds


  • It’s a reskin of Borderlands 2 and BL2 looked okay.
  • Again there was no single point where I went Oooooh shiny!
  • Again Unreal Engine 3 (even modified) is getting long in the tooth organ


  • No real change from Borderlands 2


  • The Borderlands series has been one of the best Unreal 3 ports I have played with.
  • The soundtrack reminded me of Tron Legacy… then I went to Moxxies bar and I saw Daft Punk in the DJ booth. Go figure




  • I could bind all the things
  • Didn’t spend 20min futzing /w the gerbil input speed,



  • Frawless




  • I’m coming at this from an uncommon position.
  • My first time playing BL2 was a few weeks back. I wasn’t revisiting an old friend on a new OS.
  • For me this is BL2 /w a new gravity mechanic (yes but-slam is fun for a bit) and an oxygen meter that is more of an annoyance.
  • Really, there was never a time I ran out of O2 and said anything other than ‘welp, better stroll halfway across the map and grab some more’.
  • In all fairness I drink A LOT so random blackouts while walking is called “Tuesday” #powerblackout
  • Singleplayer is just miserable for me. I just did all this shite in BL2.
  • Multiplayer is somewhat better but FK all buggy.
  • Unoriginal, poorly written, unfunny, buggy DLC repackaged as a $60 game.


  • Linux gamers kind of got screwed with the release schedule of the Borderlands game
  • For someone who played BL2 two years ago, this would probably seem like a fresh game
  • For folks like us however, all we see is getting two very similar games back to back, so I’ll try not to Judge it too harshly
  • Venn is Right, sometimes there’s just a metric fuckton of enemies you have to deal with
  • Its also pretty grindy, which II think is a bit of a step back from BL2, which mitigated some of the grind


  • Unlike the other two heathens, I am enjoying the game. My only major gripe I have is that if the game is going to check for my old save files from BL2 take out the tutorial. I also am still on the fence with the games grinder system.



Final - 

Hate Mail:


  • To plagiarize my response from shatrealm:

    • “Cameron, you racist slut! I was completely aware that there is a 3DS shovel knight. It’s specifically why I brought it up!â€

The bridge

  • The chairs are not of this world.
  • We are only beginning to understand their ways
  • We only know our simple human ape maths are wrong and dare not question these ascended beings who gifted us advanced moon technology.
  • Hallowed are the Chairs


Fully (redacted)

  •  You were soooooo close little buddy.

    • If you want us to take a look at your game (basically give it a free plug) just send us the keys.
    • We’re happy to do it but it’s really at the point of having to pick and choose and one of the deciding factors being keys in the note. 

  • E.g. the lot from Screencheat (this game will be huge) were all like ‘we know there’s only three of you but we’re sending an extra one for the full experience

    • That right there is the mark of people who actually pay attention.