The JaK Attack! Podcast

The JaK Attack! Podcast

The JaK Attack! Episode 18.35 - The JaK Attack! podcast

January 27, 2018

Welcome to show number 2018.35!

Jon is overwhelmed with thoughts about 3D printing, self-driving cars, ideas from Seth Stephens-Davidowitz book Everybody Lies
Kelly has once again renovated the entire house entirely without Jon's help
She also participated in Argyle Fine Art Gallery's Pre-Shrunk Show in downtown Halifax
03:35 - Kelly's Corner

Kelly uses cool hipster talk to tell us Eminem "dropped' a new album
Kelly talks about the robotic Somnox pillow
She also finds a completely soft, gel-like, 1970s disco, robotic octopus pillow because we all need that, right?
Kelly has changed her alignment to our robot overlords now that she sees the uprising coming

20:00 Jon talks mostly about 2D printing

Kelly got Jon a Monoprice Mini 3D printer for Christmas
Your basic entry-level 3D printing material is 1.75mm "PLA" filament
Plastic extrusion manufacturing has been around a long time, but now we peons can afford it!
3D printing is really a hands-on hobbyist tool. It's not something you can take out of the box, and start printing stuff
Jon uses to create things, Cura under WINE (Linux image does not work)to slice designs, and Octoprint to do the actual printing

33:00 - Cooperstown News

Jon laughs a little too hard at the story of a man charged in Church arson.
Kelly makes the fatal mistake of bringing up the show Black Mirror so Jon sets us straight on what's wrong with season four

Kelly's Corner
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The JaK Attack! 2018.35 - OGG
