Linkedin Lady Show

Linkedin Lady Show

Solutions for Solopreneurs Starved for Time

October 19, 2016

This LinkedIn Lady Show is dedicated to all the solopreneurs out there in the world. You know who you are. You’re a mom managing the family and running a home-based business. You are an author who is diligent about writing while the rest of the world floats by. You are a network marketer whose main focus is on growing your downstream. You are a consultant who devotes endless hours to your clients’ needs and neglects your own business development. You are…fill in the blank. You know who you are!

What all of us have in common is that time is our common enemy. There are never enough hours in the day to get it all done and for many in this situation, what suffers first and most is building a sustainable platform so that our businesses continue to grow and prosper.

Today we will discuss easy solutions for managing everything from the telephone to email to social media to networking to marketing to operational details and more. I have been interviewing people just like you and learning from them what they do to master the clock.