KPHRED Presents
The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba - I bought a DANCE STUDIO! What ...
was I thinking!? Tune in as we discuss this and other opportunites as we live our lives SOBER! How do we do it? ONE-DAY AT A TIME for sure. It is that simple! We are NOT DOCTORS, Scholars, Counselors, Psychiatrists, psycholigists, we are people - just like you who were caught up in our addicitions and addictive natures, and were lost to the REAL world. Who could help us? ONLY - one - Our Higher Power - and the fellowship we stumbled onto that had found a pathway in their lives to living it to the fullest yet providing the strength to leave the addictions behind. We remain ever vigilant to the fact that we can return to that horrifc way of life by picking up that first drink or drug. "I" for one do not EVER want to go back to that way of life / living. If you want what we have and are willing to go ANY length to get it - then tune in every week from 7 to 9 PM CST as we share our personal Experience, Strength, and Hope with anyone who will listen. OR better yet - call in and participate with us our call-in number is 323-580-5755. We would love to hear what you have to share. Need help during the week? Callme on my personal cellphone 630-918-6129 or email me at Just remember one important thing - YOU ARE NEVER ALONE! May Your Higher Power be with you! Until our next show - Have agreat week - unless you have OTHER plans!