KPHRED Presents
The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba-Whats it like to be reaching a ...
...a Milestone of 20 years of continuous Sobriety? Join me as I approach one week closer to my 20th anniversary - free of alcohol consumption, reviewing what it was like when I was out there drinking, what happened to get me to stop drinking, and what life is like now - 20 years later after complete abstinence from drugs or alcohol. Staying close to and being invol;ved with the 12 Step Program - has certainly been an important factor in keeping me on the straight and narrow. What would it take for you to find SERENITY free from the effects of your Addictive personality and free from your "DRUG OF CHOICE" whether it be Alcohol, Pot, Presciption Meds, Gambling, one thing I have learned - is that "I DID NOT HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM" - I HAD A THINKING PROBLEM - and once I stopped using alcohol - I had to face the effcts of my Stinking thinking and work to clear the debris of my past to keep it out of my future.
While my life may not necessarily be the poster child portrait of being Clean and Sober - it most certainly is one I am proud to be living, one filled with Gratitude to my Higher Power - (With Whom I choose to call - JESUS CHRIST). Join me every Sunday as my journey intoSobriety continues and meet some of the wonderful people I meet and interact with on almost a daily basis, as we deal with "LIFE ON LIFE'S TERMS"
Our call in number is 323-580-5755 and join us LIVE every Sunday evening from 7 to 9 PM CST. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have by sending me an email at or call me during the week on my TOLL FREE NUMBER 1-800-427-5968 (1-800-I-ASK-YOU) I hope to hear from you soon