KPHRED Presents
On Purpose: Your Path to Fulfilling LifeWork
Show Topic: Having the Time of Your Life
It often seems that the problems and struggles of life capture our attention and get a tight grip on us. How do you have the time of your life - how can you appreciate the journey - what are the tools and the words to enrich your life?
Today's guest is, Allen Klein, who calls himself a "Jollytologist." He is an award winning professional speaker and author. His books have sold over 500,000. He teaches around the wold how to access humor in trying times, and get a new perspective on their situation to deal with everything from traffic jams to tragedies. His most recent book is,Having the Time of Your LIfe: Little Lessons to Live By.
Susyn Reeve is the best-selling author of The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind's Capacity for Joy. She has 35 years experience as a Corporate Consultant, Self-Esteem Expert and InterFaith Minister. She has been a delegate to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. (
Rikk Hansen is one of the nation's leading experts in guiding midlife professionals and entrepreneurs to discover a life work that's truly their CALLING. As founder of Brilliant NEXT, he has pioneered a system called New Fire Discovery that guides midlife women and men to find certainty of purpose and and exciting direction for their next fulfilling work - in a short period of time despite any obstacles or fears. (