Likened Unto Me

Latest Episodes
Spinning My Wheels
122 Episode Spinning My Wheels My scripture study last week felt like I was spinning my wheels in the mud. But that doesnt mean Im stuck forever. Scripture References Alma 32:12-13 Bonded to Jesus
121 Episode Worship The poor Zoramites think they can only worship God in their synagogues. Am I the same? Scripture References Alma 32:5-11 Alma 34:38 2 Nephi 25:29 Alma 26:11-12 Welcome to the Chu
Engineering and Shoe Shopping
120 Episode Engineering and Shoe Shopping Faith is not making choices knowing how things will turn out. Its trying things out to see if they get us closer to God, and changing course if they do not
The Mediator
119 Episode The Mediator Jesus Christ does more than just advocate for us before the judgement bar of God. He makes all that is unfair right. Scripture References Doctrine & Covenants 45:3-5 1 Timot
My Work – What is it?
118 Episode My Work What is it? If Gods work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, whats mine? Scripture References Doctrine & Covenants 4:3 Moses 1:39 2 Timothy 1:8-10 Do
To Be Unshaken
117 Episode To Be Unshaken Jacob, a prophet in The Book of Mormon, has to deal with a man teaching people there is no Christ. How did he prepare to hear from someone who wanted to shake him? Scriptu
Cycle of Hope
116 Episode Cycle of Hope Imagine its your first time ever reading the Book or Mormon. Nephi begins his story about his family. You have no idea that Nephi will eventually flee for his life from hi
A Testimony of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
115 Episode A Testimony of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ I was recently asked to share how my testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ has blessed my life. These are my thoughts. Scripture R
My Favorite Easter Story
114 Episode My Favorite Easter Story The title pretty much explains this epsiode. I promise its worth the listen. Scripture References John 20 Luke 24 Doctrine & Covenants 122:7-9 Alma 7:11, 13 3 N
Just Water
113 Episode Just Water God has left reminders of Him and His love all over this world that He created. In this episode, I share a funny little story about one of my familys experiences wth water, a