Light of the Spirit Podcast

Light of the Spirit Podcast

Evolution (Material & Spiritual) and What it Means for the Yogi

September 22, 2020

In a new podcast, our friend Jonathan Mahoney asks Abbot George Burke the following question:

From Robe of Light, we have the quote: "The drama of creation simply stated is this. God breathes forth this vast universe. Slowly, it comes out and evolves according to set patterns. Then, after a precise measure of time, he breathes it back in again, involves it and vanishes. This he does eternally." So could you give us your definition of evolution and how it relates to the individual?

Abbot George begins by describing the ages-long process of "involution," the manifestation into and mastery of material creation, and the increasingly conscious process of evolution, "to move out of" materiality in our return to God-consciousness. In particular he speaks of the later stages of human evolution, where we move from outer awareness to inner awareness, and from outer dependency to self-reliance and responsibility. At that point we become capable to evolve ourselves consciously through the practice of yoga sadhana.