Light Hearted

Light Hearted

Light Hearted Lite #15 – Shona Riddell, author of “Guiding Lights,” and the USLHS’s upcoming virtual event

February 16, 2025
Pencarrow Lighthouse (1859) was the first permanent lighthouse in New Zealand. Mary Jane Bennett – the first official lighthouse keeper in New Zealand, and the only woman to ever hold the role – is profiled in “Guiding Lights.”

This is another episode of Light Hearted Lite, the series where we revisit interviews from the past six years of Light Hearted. First is a chat about an upcoming virtual conference the U.S. Lighthouse Society will be hosting in March. The conference will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000 and will feature a broad spectrum of presenters. Joining us for this discussion are Henry Gonzalez, president of the U.S. Lighthouse Society, and Kathy Fleming, vice president.

Shona Riddell

Author Shona Riddell was interviewed in episode 82 back in September 2020. Shona lives in Wellington, New Zealand, and her 2020 book, Guiding Lights: The Extraordinary Lives of Lighthouse Women, shares the stories of lighthouse women from around the world and through the centuries, including heroic female keepers, isolated families, and dedicated caretakers. This is an edited version of the 2020 conversation.