

Taming Tech & Using Technology to Improve Our Lives: LifeWork Episode 3.2

April 19, 2016

Ping! That’s the (figurative) sound of the dopamine hit you get whenever you get a notification that a new message is waiting for you. So how do you control the influx of input and tame your technology? In episode 3.2 of LifeWork, Dave and Meagan discuss how to manage and tame the technology in our lives, whether using other technology, re-shaping mindsets, and using analog methods.   BlockSite – a great (and kind of funny) way to curb a social media addiction. Discussion Points & Links: How do you keep your tech from taking over?  Meagan and Dave share their tips and tools. To notify or not to notify? That IS the question. How to use these tools to develop new habits and be a better person. Chrome Plugin: BlockSite The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg RescueTime tool to help track your productivity Boomerang for Gmail to schedule or remind you about email IFTTT – If This, Then That tool to help you connect all kinds of apps and create automation Thanks for tuning in to LifeWork, the show where we explore how to build a successful business without losing your soul. If you like the show, we hope you’ll take a moment to [...]
