Life's Too Short

Life's Too Short

Latest Episodes

Empty Nest Syndrome
December 11, 2018

It can be tough when your children move away. You're not alone.Parents can feel an emotional upheaval when their children venture off to find their fortunes. Empty nest syndrome is legitimate. From the moment the child is born, the focus of a parent becom

When Should You Take a Pregnancy Test?
December 04, 2018

Did you maybe just get pregnant but you aren't sure?It happened. You had unprotected sex. When should you get a pregnancy test? Ovulation occurs around 14 days before your next menstrual period. You may ovulate a little early or a little late, so be sure

Muscle Mass: A Factor in Healing
November 27, 2018

Improve your healing by building your muscle mass.Muscle mass may be a reliable factor in evaluating current health and predicting future wellness. Those with low muscle mass are at risk of more difficulty healing, longer hospital stays and lower physical

Empathy: Is Stress Contagious?
November 20, 2018

Does someone else's stress make you feel stressed?When someone else is stressed out, are those stressful feelings contagious? People who are empaths are emotional sponges, taking on other people’s stresses. Watching the news can really bring someone down.

Encore Episode: Holiday Eating: Make Smart Choices
November 13, 2018

Gain strategies to smartly enjoy all the treats the holidays have to offer.Holidays are full of so many amazing treats and delicious foods. It can be a tough time if you're trying to achieve or maintain health goals. Cocktails There are calories in most b

Enduring Difficult & Toxic People
November 06, 2018

Find out how to endure difficult and toxic people in time for the holidays.It’s not uncommon to have at least one person in your life who stresses you out. Holidays can force interactions with toxic family members. First, don’t take their toxicity persona

Dealing with Loss
October 30, 2018

How can you help a grieving loved one?Losing someone is incredibly tough. However, we tend to run away from grief situations. It’s easier for things to be happy and light. We need to process our own sadness instead of running from it. Don’t push friends t

Encore Episode: Curb Expectations & Don't Create a Spoiled Brat
October 23, 2018

Nip those expectations in the bud before your child becomes spoiled.You try to do your best to raise your child to be compassionate, empathetic and appreciative. You also want him to understand that your financial limitations may be different from other p

Rest = Happiness = Productivity
October 16, 2018

Rest improves your productivity.Our society uses “busy” as a badge of honor. We multi-task our way into exhaustion. We may get a lot done, but how much are we actually enjoying? Neck pain, headaches, irritability, and difficulty sleeping or concentrating

"Remodeling" Your Body
October 09, 2018

If you're looking to drop a few pounds or do a little sculpting, this is for you.Most weight loss and fitness advice in the media focuses on making a major change.  But, many people just want to drop a few pounds and make smaller improvements. “Remodeling