Life's Too Short

Life's Too Short

Latest Episodes

Redefining Manhood
February 26, 2019

Men can navigate the modern landscape of relationships.The modern man can redefine himself. “Man up” no longer applies, because men’s roles have changed over the past century. Men need to create safe spaces in their relationships. Communication is key. Th

Menopause: Happy Endings
February 19, 2019

What happens when you enter menopause?Women of a certain age go through a transition from child-bearing possibilities to menopause. Menopause is declared when one has gone a full year without a period. Menstrual irregularity is common, but when related to

Helping Yourself Get Over Trauma
February 12, 2019

Find out how to help yourself heal from trauma.Trauma is subjective. It’s hard to measure and understand. Its effects can be physical or mental. Yoga has been proven to assist in healing from trauma. It promotes mindfulness and can help people let go. A s

Encore Episode: Dealing with Loss
February 05, 2019

How can you help a grieving loved one?Losing someone is incredibly tough. However, we tend to run away from grief situations. It’s easier for things to be happy and light. We need to process our own sadness instead of running from it. Don’t push friends t

Finding Your Financial Footing Over 50
January 29, 2019

Life sometimes takes us down an unpredictable path. Find your financial footing once your primary earning years have passed.Millions of people in their 50s and 60s find themselves facing job and financial insecurity. Financial wellness can be defined as t

Benefits of Midlife Yoga
January 22, 2019

Yoga is a fantastic way to improve mobility while taking it easy on your joints.When you reach a certain age, finding the right low-impact fitness can be a challenge. Yoga is a great option for middle-aged individuals to strengthen muscles and maintain mo

Perimenopause: Adult Puberty
January 15, 2019

What's the deal with perimenopause?Menopause ends the female reproduction window. Perimenopause is like adult puberty, the transition from regular menstrual cycles to one year without periods. Perimenopause is tough to define. Symptoms can occur for three

Safely Aging in Place
January 08, 2019

Seniors want the independence of aging in their own homes. What steps can be taken to ensure their safety?Aging in place is a way for seniors to live in a familiar environment while growing older. While it’s an ideal option, it can be very stressful for t

Holiday Letter Writing
December 25, 2018

Learn some tips for writing a great holiday letter.For those who still participate in snail mail, holiday letters are a fantastic way to keep in touch and update loved ones. No need to fret over your own holiday letter. Here are some tips for your own: Ke

Controlling the Spread of Flu
December 18, 2018

Protect yourself and loved ones from the flu.On the hundred year anniversary of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, flu prevention is top of mind. With the close quarters of the holidays at hand, it’s important to protect yourself and your loved ones from cont