Life as a Lifeschooler

Life as a Lifeschooler

Latest Episodes

Chronic Illness and Homeschooling – Tricia Soderstrom
August 28, 2018

Have you ever felt sick and miserable, but still had to push through a homeschool day? What about every single day? Tricia Soderstrom ( shared with me how she and her children survived homeschooling for many years with chron...

Unhurried Homeschooling – Durenda Wilson
August 28, 2018

For this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Durenda Wilson, author of The Unhurried Homeschooler, a mercifully short book on homeschooling, and Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart. I just love Durenda's heart for unhurried homeschooling and her...

Seeking God’s Leading through Fasting and Prayer
August 28, 2018

On today's show, I will share with you my journey seeking God's leading through fasting and prayer, and why I believe it is such an important spiritual discipline for Christians to develop. I am no spiritual giant by any means!

Self-Sacrifice in Lifeschooling – Dr. Jill Butryn
August 27, 2018

How much self-sacrifice would you be willing to practice? Would you give up a six-figure career in medicine to be "just a mom"? My friend Dr. Jill Butryn did just that. She went from a practicing MD to a present mom.

From Public School Teacher to Lifeschooler – Tina Hollenbeck
August 27, 2018

On this episode, I had the privilege to talk to my new friend Tina Hollenbeck, the researcher behind The Homeschool Resource Roadmap, about her journey from public school teacher to home educator. Tina's experience shows that even those on the tighter ...

Raising our Children in Light of their Gifts – Chris Davis
August 27, 2018

Chris Davis without a doubt has had the biggest influence on my own homeschooling. God providentially led me to his blog years ago and I have never forgotten his analogy of the acorn in this blog post. It is what set me off in a different direction,

Pursuing Gifts Through Lifeschooling – Konur and Elleina Papageorgiou
August 27, 2018

I won't even try to pretend that Konur and Elleina are not my favorite guests so far! A mom has a right to such bias! :) What a fun interview talking with my kids about pursuing gifts and how God has allowed them to do this in lifeschooling. -

Schoolhouse Rocked! Lifeschooling on the Road with the Hamptons
August 27, 2018

Garritt and Yvette Hampton talk about their unconventional lifestyle homeschooling on the road while filming a documentary called Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution. How do they homeschool in a tiny travel trailer while traveling all over th...

Lifeschooling for the first year: Meet the Robinsons
August 27, 2018

John and Jennifer Robinson join us at the Home Business Conference in Huntsville, AL on today's show to talk about their first year "lifeschooling" and what they learned. - John and Jennifer attended the 2017 Lifeschooling Conference,

Alphabet Smash and Lifeschooling – Christina Brown
August 27, 2018

I was privileged to talk to friend and author Christina Brown about her homeschooling journey and why she created Alphabet Smash, a wonderful resource for preschoolers that focuses on one letter at a time and brings in multiple activities from various ...