Life as a Lifeschooler

Life as a Lifeschooler

5 Lifeschooling Tips to Freedom in Your Homeschool!

October 24, 2019

I often say that lifeschooling is about freedom. But how do you achieve that freedom in homeschooling? Here are five tips that will help you find freedom to homeschool in a way that fits with everyday life and brings peace. These tips will help you find the heart of lifeschooling and what that can look like in your home!


LIFESCHOOLING TIP #1: Encourage reading by letting your children read books they love after bedtime.

Reading is one of the foundational skills to learning. (Before you moms with late readers freak out, let me assure you that reading late is really no problem. Most late readers catch up to the reading level of their peers in very little time, and in the meantime there are many other ways to learn.)

Once a child learns to read, they can learn independently. Allowing them to read after bedtime makes them feel privileged and can be a great way to encourage this important skill! I'll always cherish the picture of the time I found my son asleep on his Narnia book.


LIFESCHOOLING TIP #2: Let the early years be focused on play!

It is scientifically proven that children learn a LOT through simple play that we adults think looks pointless. Being given time to play allows your children to learn independently of adult direction and input. It builds problem-solving and creativity!

Our youngest is 7 and is not yet ready to sit for more than about an hour or two (max). That's okay! He's learned so much on his own! Even hobbies and crafts are a form of playing that is considered okay for adults to do.

If you need more encouragement that play really is okay, one of my favorite resources is Einstein Never Used Flash Cards, a book about how children really learn, written by two scientists. It will give you confidence to just let your children play!


LIFESCHOOLING TIP #3: Give them plenty of free time!

Free time is one of the best gifts your can give your children. When they are adults, they will no longer have so much time to explore, create, and learn about their world to discover who they really are. They may also surprise you with what they do with their time.

I have found my children working on Algebra; learning about genetics; and researching facts about Wales simply because they were interested. The constantly surprise me with what they know!


LIFESCHOOLING TIP #4: Invest in your children.

We often don't have any problem forking out money for expensive curriculum, but when it comes to our children's gifts and passions, do we provide them with the necessary resources and materials?

Fund your children's projects. They may only stick with them a short time, but they are learning valuable lessons about who they are...and who they aren't. That is worth the investment!

You can teach them about perseverance and a hard work ethic through other areas, such as chores and service to others. But give them freedom to learn who they are. When they find their passion and what God put into them to do, they WILL stick with it! In the meantime, think of these changing interests as courses...and feel free to record them as such!


LIFESCHOOLING TIP #5: Do one subject or project a day.

One of the difficulties with traditional school is that they are constantly changing subjects. A child may be fully engrossed in a project, but when the bell rings, it's time to move on!